Your Cook Vegan Cook Book & Guide: 40 Delicious Vegan Recipes
This book is written to help inspire anyone who is transitioning to a plantbased diet, whether for a short while or with the long term in mind. In many cultures, fasting happens at various times of the year, in various forms, and for many people around the globe, detoxes and cleanses are increasing in popularity as there is more and more research into the health benefits of allowing the body time to recover and heal.

Here you will find forty delicious tried and tested recipes, developed by myself based on lots of different cultures, cuisines and traditional recipes that have been ‘veganised’, that I hope will inspire you for either the whole Greek Orthodox Lenten period (the time when this book was published) or give you ideas of things to cook everyday for over a month.
I have tried to choose a good selection of my vegan recipes which should cover all moods and tastes, and give you a variety of meals and snacks to last the whole period. Some recipes you will hopefully love enough to make more than once in that time, others you can play with and have fun experimenting to make it your very own using different herbs and varying the ingredients to suit your own individual taste and needs. Do share your experiences on social media by posting photos and videos with #cookvegan or myself #farahshammas.

Anna Cortesi
Dietitian & Clinical Nutritionist
Easy to follow, delicious and nutritious recipes make ‘Vegan Cooking’ the perfect guide not just for beginner vegan enthusiasts but also advanced plant-based foodies who will reach for these heart healthy meals again and again!

Anna Popova
Wellness Coach
Farah is nothing short of incredible! She is a true inspiration and living proof that you can have a busy lifestyle and yet still live well and eat healthy. In this fantastic book, she has once again demonstrated that plant-based eating doesn’t need to be complicated and that anyone can incorporate it into their life, if only they would try. Truly excellent!

Huguette Lelong
Qualified Nutritionist & Food Lover
As a nutritionist and a foodie I like to challenge my clients with new foods and recipes. I am not a vegan but I eat a lot of plant-based meals, actually one of my missions is to encourage my clientele to eat plenty of vegetables and wholefoods. I definitely recommend Farah's recipe book to enjoy new plant-based recipes. Nutrient-dense, balanced, authentic, colourful and tasty recipes will always have my approval. Thank you Farah for being so open-minded and inspiring!

Rebecca Kourmouzi
Registered Clinical Dietitian-Nutritionist
Science has shown us that it is more necessary than ever before for us to change our eating habits and transition to a more plant based diet. I found that this ebook is an excellent guide filled with all kinds of easy, nutritious and delicious recipes that can satisfy even the most demanding eaters out there. A great introduction to the concept of eating plant based while taking in the nutrients your body needs. A go-to recipe ebook to accompany your journey as a newbie plant based eater.
We all want a better world; a cleaner planet to enjoy in our healthy bodies, and there’s no better step towards achieving that then going plant-based. It’s a win-win for everyone, for you, the world and every animal out there. So, for however long you are planning on giving up animal products, do enjoy these easy, healthy and delicious recipes and I hope that you will all love it so much that you will be encouraged to continue a vegan lifestyle for longer. Remember that every meal makes a difference! And do have fun while doing it.